Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Welcome to BooraQ FM. BooraQ FM is a full programming radio station that offers an Islamic Perspective and solutions for all aspects of life with lectures, Quran recitations, tafsir, hadith and play music of the soul throughout the day.



"Jika kegelapan malam datang, atau kalian berada pada petang hari, jagalah anak-anak kalian karena pada saat itu setan sedang berkeliaran. Jika malam telah berlalu beberapa saat, bolehlah kalian biarkan mereka dan tutuplah pintu rumah dan sebutlah nama Allah karena setan tidak akan membuka pintu yang tertutup". (HR. Bukhari)

"If the darkness of the night come, or you guys are in the evening hours, keep the children you guys because at that moment the devil is prowling. If the night has passed some time, after that you guys let them and close the door of the House and sebutlah the name of God because the devil will not open the doors closed ". (Narrated By Bukhari)


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